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adventures into the land of the command line

change app language in the iOS simulator

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a prometheus alert rule collection

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ios provisioning profiles

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renew an expired provisioning profile

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renewing apple distribution certs

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kubectl auth can-i

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helm refuses to delete a release

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elasticsearch sharding cheatsheet

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scp a file through an intermediate server

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ios url schemes

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photoshop cheatsheet

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xcode tips

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prometheus alert rule collection

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helmfile, the docker-compose of helmworld

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move git commits to a new branch

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nice k8s tools

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ssh for loops

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should i upgrade to an m1 mac

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upload dsyms to sentry

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clearing nsuserdefaults

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language support in your iOS app

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adding pods for ios which aren't available for maccatalyst

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stuff i learnt recently about dns

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elasticsearch api cheatsheet

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making a debian package

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how to speed up time machine

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how to hide folders on mac

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finding docker container filesystem

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css layouts

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accessing vault secrets from k8s deployments

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rewriting git history

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openstack terminology

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mysql group replication troubleshooting

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jinja template tricks

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better git squashing

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markdown support

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linux debugging tools

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tmux cheatsheet

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tillerless helm

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disabling the salt highstate

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iOS blended layers

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k8s networking

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linux file system memories

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weave scope

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my groovy bash profile

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ssh-agent forwarding

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homebrew terminology

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autoclosing ssh tunnels

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virt, res and shr memory from the top command

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helm post install hooks for an operator meta chart

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a guide to centering divs

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swift dictionary grouping

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devops checklist

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GI what?

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testing apple auto renewable subscriptions

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deleting facebook

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some openssl test commands

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german & programming

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nginx ingress controller crazy config reloads

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k8s, nginx ingress and websockets

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unmarshalling nested json in go

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popping my go cherry

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swift network reachability monitoring

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pod disruption budgets

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taints and tolerations

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k8s affinity

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message alert popups

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instagram best post times

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swift property observers

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reloading the ui in iOS

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iOS view controller life cycle methods

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an easier way to chroot pod

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note to self about the k8s hpa

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san certificates with openssl

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make an http request with nc

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terraform order of execution

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terraform variable passing

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terraform remote backends

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terraform standard module structure

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how to get onto a k8s node from a pod

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drain a k8s node properly

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get k8s yaml without the fluff

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dynamic anonymous classes & functions in python

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get ssl working for local development in firefox with a self signed certificate

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how to migrate helm to another k8s cluster

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heptio ark k8s cluster backups

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how to setup and use cert manager

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embedding elements in xcode without losing constraints

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javascript minesweeper

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sudo insults

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python list comprehensions

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kube proxy... zomg

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how to use helm to rollback a release

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jmeter, but remotely

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kube ops view

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hugo templating with helm

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helm & tiller & max history

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kns & ktx

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how to remove orphaned pods from k8s via etcd

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repair an unhealthy etcd node in a healthy etcd cluster

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k8s pods stuck in terminating state

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how to fix 'failed create pod sandbox' issue in k8s

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upgrading an elk stack and installing x-pack

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preserving real client ip in k8s

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how to connect k8s to external network which is in\8 range

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connecting to an internal k8s service

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what happens if you stop a k8s pod with docker stop or kill

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a minikube dev envionment and workflow

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helm, the k8s package manager

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masters and workers with upstart

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sentry and swift

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my groovy hyper setup

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chickens & eggs & hashicorp vault

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kubernetes minikube bootcamp

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setting up minikube on mac osx

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open file limits for nginx and rabbitmq scale

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jenkins pipeline idiosyncrasies

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nginx fastcgi cache

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docker cheatsheet

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how to use cocoapods

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Custom Interactive Animations

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ip addresses aliasing

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find all available ip addresses on a local network with nmap

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vagrant synced folders

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In App Purchase - The Code

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In App Purchase - The Setup

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how to view windows hidden files on a mac

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jq! i just discovered u!

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hiding stuff from your .gitignore file in the atom editor

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flask blueprints

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What is the file for in a python project?

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docker, aufs and ubuntu prob-lamos

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docker machine, what are you?

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docker compose... so i only need to type one command

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flask docker vagrant mac inceptions

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the format of the ssh known_hosts file

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setting up vnc server

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say hello

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rabbitmq network partitions

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debugging akamai

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akamai staging... wah?

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flush DNS cache

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saltstack cheatsheet

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openvz \ lxc cheatsheet

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http to https rewrite with nginx

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dates are important when it comes to history

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dpkg flag meanings

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mongo troubleshooting

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changing mongo replica set id while it's running

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using python logging in multiple modules

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mongodb replication

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some salt stack optimisations

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timing a command

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mongodb backups

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passing data between views in flask using sessions

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uploading files in a flask\gunicorn\nginx app

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recover a lost commit with git reflog

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vagrant vboxguestadditions prob-lame-os

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mongodb cheatsheet

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today I just learned how to git squash

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unfortunately i have to learn some php basics...

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job control - long running processes

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extending storage is ...scary

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captains log, stardate 12345... how to log with python?

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adding a persistent static route to your mac

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checking an ssl certificate’s expiry date

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openvpn between two networks in routing mode

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important openvpn networking rules

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linux networking tools

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yum \ apt-get cheatsheet

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creating your own vagrant box out of someone elses

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I like Atom text editor

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Using systemctl to manage systemd services

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SysVinit & Systemd cheatsheet

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xcrun: error: invalid active developer path

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Upstart vs SysVinit

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unit testing in python

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grep-ing for a process whilst excluding the grep process

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my dorky continuous delivery solution with git and travis ci

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adding CORS for flask, nginx and ajax

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selenium and python

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html5 client side storage

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jquery ajax cheatcheet

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dismissing the keyboard with swift 2

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adding a table view to a view controller with swift 2

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swift 2 gcd cheatsheet

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exit segues with xcode 7 and swift 2

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passing variables between view controllers and storyboards with swift 2

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how to use multiple storyboards with xcode 7 and swift 2

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mass inserting stuff into redis

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declaring variables in swift 2

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dates in swift 2

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the zen of python

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adding an external library to your xcode project

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add a remote git repo for your xcode project

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iptables cheatsheet

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redis security

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how to check what browser a user is using with javascript

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implementing the hsts header with an nginx reverse proxy

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migrate a redis db using the append only file

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how to git pull from two remote private repo's on the same computer

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ssh-add, i just heard about it

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upgrading python 2.6 to 2.7 on centos\rhel 6

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ecdhe-ecdsa ssl certs

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groovy file manipulation tricks

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formatting a disk for both windows and mac

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redis memory benchmarking

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ansible - like puppet but not frustrating

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d3 for data visualisation

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html email templates

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some things i’ve learnt about trying to ‘user management’

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using redis as a persistent data store

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how to chmod chmod

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perfect forward secrecy with nginx - (ecdhe-rsa)

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nginx-virtualbox weird behaviour with static files

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using nginx as a reverse proxy

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creating your own init.d script

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daemonising multiple gunicorns with supervisor

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starting a flask web application on gunicorn

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python and databases

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adding additional cloudwatch metrics for your ec2 hosts

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ssh-ing into a rhel6.5 ec2 host after its just been created

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aws permission nuances

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starting a flask web application on apache

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the awesomeness of vagrant

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postgres vs redis drag race

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git cheatsheet

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installing the aws cli

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installing wordpress

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installing drupal

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apache custom error pages

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setting\changing your apache timezone

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apache blacklisting

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basic auth in apache

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building a lamp server

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setting up replication on postgres

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what actually happens when you rm -rf \

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postgres cheat sheet

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how to set up replication for mysql

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mysql cheat sheet

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installing splunk

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installing nagvis

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installing nagios

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deleting files & directories named stupidly

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apache permission denied error due to SELinux

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setting up an ftp server

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theory does not mean idea

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ssh for loops

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setting up your own local yum repo

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mmm yum

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making your own RPMs

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working with compressed files

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mounting additional storage

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logrotate - boring but useful

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scheduling tasks with cron

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linux file system diagram

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network troubleshooting tools

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adding swap space

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setting date & time

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disabling selinux

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linux networking

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environment variables

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vim cheat sheet and the .vimrc file

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changing the ls colour scheme

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the ssh config file

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persistent ssh tunnels

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administrating users and granting sudo permissions

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setting up ssh keys for passwordless authentication

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enabling rsa key authentication on a remote host

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first post

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